Saturday, September 8, 2012

Settling in with the Waterhole Rituals!

Transitioning a TB from the track to a new life, takes patience, heart, and skill...but most importantly, it takes relationship building!

And when you've primarily been an object used for other people's purposes (as many race horses have), learning a new way of being valued for Who You Are and not what you can DO, is paramount.

To help Galaxy feel this important shift in relating to his new human companions, we've selected Carolyn Resnick's Waterhole Rituals as our initial method for developing a new bond with Galaxy.

So, let's tune into his introduction to this new way of BEING TOGETHER!

What a feeling when Galaxy finally chooses to BE with ME!

Please share: How do you cultivate the bond of BEING together with horses, without expectation??? Use the little comment link below to share your inspiring experience with others!

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