Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 6: Sharing the Oneness Blessing with Horse!

Do we have any Reiki, Deeksha, or energy healing fans out there?
While I am already a Reiki Master, recently I got initiated to be a Oneness Blessing Giver. This is a form of energy healing from India whose goal is to help facilitate releasing of the ego-mind so we can bathe in the energy of Oneness!
Who doesn’t want more of that?! Especially in our relationship with Horse!
Let’s see Galaxy’s reaction to receiving the Oneness Blessing for the second time.

The Oneness Blessing movement has been growing- especially in Colorado. If you’d like to give or receive this wonderful transmission of energy, please look up the movement in your area.
Here is the worldwide website:
And the Colorado one:
Please inspire others with your experience! Please comment: How have you shared healing energies with horse? What was his response?  And how did it impact your relationship? (To comment, just click the tiny "# comment" link below)
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